Hendon Group to Offer an Advanced Project Management Workshop for Small Business Owners
Lindenhurst, IL (June 25, 2011) –Hendon Group, Inc. a Program & Project Leadership Professional Services and Consulting organization will offer an Advanced Project Management topics workshop to local small businesses on October 6, 2011.
The workshop attendees will be presented “best practices” tips and techniques that address common challenges faced by small business owners. In addition, workshop attendees’ interests will prioritize “depth” of topics covered. Topics covered consist of:
- Getting your project off to a quick start
- Achieving project deadlines and commitments
- Establishing good project team communications
- Securing and managing resources that have other jobs and/or responsibilities
- Tips and techniques to stay focused and transparent
- Managing project intellectual property/capital
- Helping your team help you make timely decisions
- Keeping your initiative running at a strong pace
- Ensuring “organizational learning” from completed work-efforts.
With 34 plus years of experience leading numerous business development and implementation projects, as a certified Project Management Institute (PMI) Project Management Professional (PMP®) and the former Director of Programs and mentor program mentor for the The College of Lake County SBD/ITC website
To learn more about the workshop, or to register visit the College of Lake County Illinois Small Business Workshops page.
To learn more about the Project Management Institute (PMI) visit http://www.pmi.org.